Multiple Roles
Adult Leaders can hold more than one role on Scouts.Digital
Multiple Dashboards are provided, based your role
Events & Programs
Events are separated from Programs on Scouts.Digital
Attendance can be captured (or altered) for Programs and Events currently running. Past Attendance can be captured or altered as required
Advancement / Badge Tasks
Meerkat, Cub, Scout & Rover Advancement / Badge Tasks can be signed off by any Adult Leader in the Group. Rover Advancement / Awards can be signed off by any member of the Rover Crew Council
Badges / Awards
Meerkat, Cub, Scout Badges & Rover Awards can be signed off by any Adult Leader in the Group. Rover Awards can be signed off by any member of the Rover Crew Council
Financial Management
This area holds the ability to automatically generate Parent Invoices, Credit Notes and Statements for Scout Groups on Scouts.Digital
Several standard reports are provided. Several ad-hoc reports can be generated for specific requirements on an as needed basis
Multi Den / Pack / Troop Functionality
Multiple Dens, Packs Or Troops can be associated to each Scout Group. This means that each Scout Group can have multiple Dens or Packs or Troops managed separately, but reporting happens under the Group Umbrella.